Sunday 24 January 2021

Why am I angry and what does that have to do with history?

 Greetings to my fellow history nuts and wargaming fanatics friends,and hi to all the normal folks who seem to have wandered in off the street.

Now as the title says and many of you may be wondering why am I angry and where does history come into it. So let us begin with a short intro in to the madness that is my life. 

My name is Kieran Kirkham I'm an ex chef (hence the angry but only in a small part real reason see below & retired part), I've spent 24 years war gaming and 18 years mucking about with weapons and studying history because I'm a reenactor and for my shame also an authenticity officer. 

If dear reader you know what an authenticity officer is then you have alas reached the end of this blog with concern to important info, if you don't however please see below.

An authenticity officer is some one who is a member of a reenactment group who researches the clothing, equipment, crafts, food and social aspects of the period the group covers. 

They're often a maligned part of reenactment world because their job is to ensure accuracy within groups so that the general public don't have the bullshit Hollywood version of history reinforced and instead actually gain knowledge of the period that they see. Of course this is often a thankless task which we do any way because people love to puni......I mean strive for greater knowledge.

Now it is fight against inaccuracies and spreading of the Hollywood trope of things like knights, vikings and other historical types that truly gives the anger to my title much to the point my wife worries that one day history will quite literally kill me.

Fair thee well folks and may your lives be calm and full of cake and tea.


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